Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Cladding Dramas

More cedar cladding finally came on Friday, and on Monday the carpenters came back to put it up. Hubby had the day off and scheduled a time to meet the SS on site so he could discuss a few things such as why there was three and a half pallets of roof tiles left over. 

Hubby was happy to see the carpenters finally putting up the cladding, but couldn't believe it when he saw that they had put the cladding on the wrong way. We wanted the cladding installed like the display home (vertically) but instead the cladding was installed horizontally. Although we would have preferred the cladding installed vertically, we decided to leave it as is as it would add another 2 weeks to the build on top of the already wasted two weeks waiting for the cladding and carpenters. Then to add insult to injury, we asked the carpenters if the cladding would be finished that day or if they had to come back tomorrow to finish it. They replied that they have run out of cladding and couldn't finish the job until more gets delivered. Unbelievable!!!! On top of that, they couldn't start the timber slat feature above the front door as there was not enough wood delivered for that either!

On another note, the painters came yesterday and painted the eaves, the moroka finish on the top half of the pole and lacquered the cladding. We are not really happy with the three dark pieces on the right hand side so will ask the carpenters to replace them with lighter pieces once they come back. 

This is what the house looks like now. Although I am disappointed by the set backs of late, I am really happy with the way it is coming together. 

The moroka finish on the pole. It is lighter than I thought it would be, but I like it. It is called 'foxtail' by Taubmans.

You can see the dark pieces of wood that we want replaced in this picture. I think they stand out too much.

 From this picture you can see where the carpenters ran out of cedar cladding. 

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